Transamerica: A wonderful piece of life.

We are always unsatisfied with what we have.
Some people would deny it and stop reading the rest of the page thinking this to be one of those philosophical articles that are gonna talk about lives, show us how we should be happy with what we have and praise the lord for what he has given us. Well, dude, this article ain't one of them, cause the writer himself is one unsatisfied jerk.
I am unsatisfied with all the same the reasons as you are, I mean my reasons would be same as many people who are reading this. How many of us have seen people who are very content with what they have and never bother to regret about things they wish they'd done, feelings they'd shared or decisions they should have taken that may have changed their whole lives?
Yes! none. 
Everyone has almost one secret that is buried deep down in their hearts. This secret is something that we call an unfulfilled desire. This desire is what the movie "Transamerica" wants us to accept, embrace and take action over it. Think about it, all our lives we would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night thinking about the chances we didn't take just because we were too afraid. The movie "Transamerica" depicted that even when you achieve the one thing you had desired your whole life, it is sometimes not enough to make you happy. So, when I saw this movie I was struck with the suffocating fact that people with fulfilled desires are still unsatisfied. They are heart broken over the fact that they are not relevant to other people and the society like they had imagined but what about the people who haven't even done that? 
Like me.
Like most of us.
This realization devastated me as I saw Bree(played to perfection by Felicity Huffman) crying even after she becomes a woman. Her therapist after the operation speaks to Bree as she thought to be a woman would finally make her happy and satisfied which wasn't the case. Bree was crying because she couldn't be with her son as the father Bree previously was and how Toby(played by Kevin Zegers) had always desired. She thought she would never see him again. 
There you go people, this is what I am trying to say to you. A desire that left her unsatisfied even though she had fulfilled what she had always wanted. Bree regretted the fact that she didn't tell Toby about her true identity until Toby tried to have sex with her. 
Wait !what! Toby guy tried to have sex with Bree. Why ?
Watch the film for that. I am not telling you more about the movie.
Back to where I left. Like Bree, all of us will always have those desires which were unfulfilled. These desires later distract us from the happiness we sometimes receive, which is even more excruciating because then those moments also become more unfulfilled desires.  
"Transamerica" teaches us to live life in a different way. 
WOW! who doesn't?
I know, almost everyone does but the different way which "Transamerica" shows, is to live life as bravely as you can.
Once we become brave enough to be relevant to the society in our own unique ways and terms I think we will have fewer regrets or desires and more achievements with satisfaction.

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