
"I can always be found"
Ever since I have watched 50/50, the lyrics of this song has been running in my mind.
(Spoiler alert!)
The song is played when Adam played by Joseph Gordon-levitt is given anesthesia, so that he can be taken to the OT for the surgery. Surgery for Cancer !
Yes cancer!
The beauty of this movie is that Adam is diagnosed with cancer very early in the movie with no reason at all. He just gets it! Spinal Cancer. The movie depicts the journey of a person caught in the middle of a situation where he has no idea how to navigate through it. It's also about, letting go of our fears of losing out on the things that we think are best for us, hidden friendships and how life can take a dramatic turn, just so that you buckle up and don't waste another moment in the future.

Seth Rogen as Kyle, is phenomenal! The best bud from high-school, who stays with Adam through thick and thin.

We might scared of losing our jobs(that's what I am scared of), our friendships, people that we love etc but what if we loose ourselves in keeping what others expect from us. That will be a person's biggest regret. This movie helped me understand that it's not just about being the best, earning the best and experiencing the best. The most important and best thing is doing what we wanted to do and being happy with the consequences of your dreans that had pursued.
I loved this movie and I think you should watch it too!
For more movie discussion-
I can always be found ... I can always be found...
