A kid like Jake: Parents! Take notes.

How well do you know your child?
How well do you know that you will able to handle the eccentricities of your child?
How well will you be able to help your child be himself/herself when you know that there is a world out there, where anything out of the ordinary is judged, attacked and disrespected?
How well do you know?

These are some of the questions that you start asking yourselves after you watch this amazing movie by Silas Howard. Not only do you ask the above questions to yourself, but you also feel a sense of courage. The courage to support and stand by people you love. The movie centres around a child named Jake who likes to play out the characters of the Disney princesses all the time. Now, for the parents it gets difficult. Difficult as in, to let him be himself and also protect him from gossiping adults.

 How? You should watch the movie!

This film has a lot to say but it might test your patience. Even though it is a one and a half hour movie it does feel dragged. The great thing is in the second half, we get to understand the whole point of the movie and how the concept of parenting has changed in the world. The parents of Jake played exquisitely by Jim Parsons and Claire Danes show instead of being ashamed, parents should encourage their children to be themselves and have a happy life.
Movies are a work of fiction and parents like them, are rarely seen, who is fighting to figure out how to help Jake be himself and also not get confused. Who does so much? but the very fact that this movie is out there, people need to go and see it. Parents! you need to know, how you are contributing to your children's life. They are counting on you and without you, there is no for them to keep them safe.

Watch this with family. It is necessary.
