Love, Simon: The most important movie of the year!

To say the truth or to hide it out until you die? 
Some secrets do tend to suffocate the crap out of us. These are some things that people keep to themselves so that the life they are living and the people that they are having fun with, don't change. These people don't want to lie, they would just rather be someone who they are not than lose your awesome friendship. Lying is the only option they have left to receive love.
Watching "Love, Simon" was an experience that I could have never imagined.
(This movie deserves an Oscar nod!)
Whether it was Martin looking to impress Abby or Simon's father trying to reach out to him, it was all about people and their desire to be accepted and loved. What millions of people fail to understand is everyone is deserving of a love story, and this all what everyone is trying to get LOVE. 
Throw the technicalities out of the window, we should watch the film and feel it because the message that it is trying to inspire in all of our hearts is not just for homosexual people. The message is for all!
To be who we really are. There is a scene where straight people come out to their parents! Yes, straight people "coming out". Even though the scene was sarcastic AF! but it pushed my mind to grasp something more than what that particular sequence was trying to say to me. 
SO! here it is!
I love to dance. No, let me be specific, I love to do contemporary dance. All I wanted, was to perform on a huge stage, make friends who share the same passion and create a name for myself in the dance community. I am doing way better than most of my friends in climbing up the corporate ladder, but that something that is I don't want to do. It suffocates and frustrates me every day. We are growing old day by day and reaching closer to death day by day. When do we actually come out from the lies, we tell our families, friends and mostly to ourselves to show the community that we driven, money-minded corporate geeks. WHEN?
It is now guys!
Watch this movie and get inspired! This movie at least helped me tell the truth to you guys(whoever is reading it) and myself too. I think it will help you too because like in the movie it is said,

A person cannot have his life be stuck on a Ferris wheel, one time he feels at the top of the world and on another, he feels he is at the bottom.

Come out, tell everyone who you really are. There is only one life, live it as you wish.

Love, Pankaj

Link to the trailer:
