

Paul Feig is a comedy genius.  The whole time I watched this movie I was laughing out like "Raavan"(Raavan is a mythological character of an Indian epic called Ramayana. Well, Indian parents use that character sometimes to scare off 3-year-olds.) Basically, I had the best time watching SPY and especially see Melissa Mccarthy kick some ass. OMG! She is awesome.  Who would have thought? An overweight CIA field agent! Watching her fight bad guys in Rome and also kill them is just sick and fabulous. The best part is, while she does that, she vomits, faints and from time to time saves the typically strong and more stylish male spy that tends to fuck up the mission. I am so proud that Jason Statham agreed to play this part. A man who has films like The Transporter, The Mechanic and The Expendables under his belt. It really cool of him to play a side charracter who often makes a fool out of himself in every situation he is in. All in all, SPY is one hell of a roller coaste

A kid like Jake: Parents! Take notes.

How well do you know your child? How well do you know that you will able to handle the eccentricities of your child? How well will you be able to help your child be himself/herself when you know that there is a world out there, where anything out of the ordinary is judged, attacked and disrespected? How well do you know? These are some of the questions that you start asking yourselves after you watch this amazing movie by Silas Howard. Not only do you ask the above questions to yourself, but you also feel a sense of courage. The courage to support and stand by people you love. The movie centres around a child named Jake who likes to play out the characters of the Disney princesses all the time. Now, for the parents it gets difficult. Difficult as in, to let him be himself and also protect him from gossiping adults.  How? You should watch the movie! This film has a lot to say but it might test your patience. Even though it is a one and a half hour movie it does feel dragged

Love, Simon: The most important movie of the year!

To say the truth or to hide it out until you die?  Some secrets do tend to suffocate the crap out of us. These are some things that people keep to themselves so that the life they are living and the people that they are having fun with, don't change. These people don't want to lie, they would just rather be someone who they are not than lose your awesome friendship. Lying is the only option they have left to receive love. Watching "Love, Simon" was an experience that I could have never imagined. (This movie deserves an Oscar nod!) Whether it was Martin looking to impress Abby or Simon's father trying to reach out to him, it was all about people and their desire to be accepted and loved. What millions of people fail to understand is everyone is deserving of a love story, and this all what everyone is trying to get LOVE.  Throw the technicalities out of the window, we should watch the film and feel it because the message that it is trying to inspire in

"That one person!"- In movies and in real life.

There are a lot of romantic comedy movies(including the fifty Shades franchise) that makes you feel like "what the fuck is wrong with my life? Where do I find my guy or girl? Where is he/she?" That one person who makes your life perfect and so full of love. Pretty Woman 21 Jump Street Brokeback Mountain and many more... Why are these movies so heartbreaking ? Well, the movies aren't heartbreaking, some of them are not but when I look at my life I'm like, when is someone gonna do these things for me. Am I right or wrong ? Is there any movie that you guys feel that should be your life? Comment below. A movie gives you hope and that's what it's all about. The hope to meet the person you'll connect to immediately and for life. Like in Shawshank Redemption... "Hope is never a bad thing". Another movie that helped me understand about patience and love and also that relationships are not just about finding the perfect partner in the opposite


"I can always be found" Ever since I have watched 50/50, the lyrics of this song has been running in my mind. (Spoiler alert!) The song is played when Adam played by Joseph Gordon-levitt is given anesthesia, so that he can be taken to the OT for the surgery. Surgery for Cancer ! Yes cancer! The beauty of this movie is that Adam is diagnosed with cancer very early in the movie with no reason at all. He just gets it! Spinal Cancer. The movie depicts the journey of a person caught in the middle of a situation where he has no idea how to navigate through it. It's also about, letting go of our fears of losing out on the things that we think are best for us, hidden friendships and how life can take a dramatic turn, just so that you buckle up and don't waste another moment in the future. Seth Rogen as Kyle, is phenomenal! The best bud from high-school, who stays with Adam through thick and thin. We might scared of losing our jobs(that's what I am scared of), our f

Transamerica: A wonderful piece of life.

We are always unsatisfied with what we have. Some people would deny it and stop reading the rest of the page thinking this to be one of those philosophical articles that are gonna talk about lives, show us how we should be happy with what we have and praise the lord for what he has given us. Well, dude, this article ain't one of them, cause the writer himself is one unsatisfied jerk. I am unsatisfied with all the same the reasons as you are, I mean my reasons would be same as many people who are reading this. How many of us have seen people who are very content with what they have and never bother to regret about things they wish they'd done, feelings they'd shared or decisions they should have taken that may have changed their whole lives? Yes! none.  Everyone has almost one secret that is buried deep down in their hearts. This secret is something that we call an unfulfilled desire. This desire is what the movie "Transamerica" wants us to accept, embrace